Just when the fuck did it become socially acceptable to misspell words? People are always putting a z on the end of a word instead of making it properly plural. It only becomes worse when they combine it with improper spelling. Dawgz, boyz, Katrinaz boifriend, ez gurl, Bobbyz Burger Howse. What the fuck is going on here? No wonder people hate America. When I see shit like that, I hate America. I don't applaud the freedom we have to express ourselves, I want to find these people and their parents and punch them in the fucking throat. It's not cute, people. It's stupid. Stop it.
If you work at a sign shop, or provide a service to create something that is displayed, you have a responsibility. Correct the mistakes. If you cannot spot the mistakes, try a spell check. Chances are, you are using a computer. The ability to check spelling has been on computers for quite a while. If you look, you may find that there is also software on your computer that checks for proper use of grammar. These tools are there because people are stupid. Use them. If you still have a problem, then we must employ what is called "thinning of the herd".
Remember to also check your use of the apostrophe. Just because a word has an s on the end of it, that doesn't mean you need to automatically put one in "just in case".
I hope this rant has helped at least one person. If anyone is offended, I say, "Eat shit, muthafukkaz."
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